


Yamanishi Supermarket with delicious side dishes
“I heard that it was founded in 1930. It has a history of more than 90 years, but it seems that it has always been in this place and as a shop for the local community.” (Mr. Masatomo Nishio)
Supermarket Yamanishi, which has been supporting local dining tables since the beginning of the Showa era (1926-1989), has a history of being originally founded as a joinery shop. Their predecessor, who was born and raised in a farmhouse in the area called Kawahigashi, on the left bank of the Tsukechi River, opened a joinery shop on a plot where the current shop is located in the Tsukechi Ginza. At the time, the house next door was running a store, but due to unavoidable circumstances, the store suddenly closed. Neighbors who were in trouble asked him to take over the business, so he changed the business from a joinery shop to a store.
The fourth-generation owner, Masatomo Nishio, started working at Supermarket Yamanishi around 2002 after training at a long-established department store in Nagoya. He laughed, saying, “The founder may not have expected this store to last for so many years. Today, Yamanishi’s storefront is filled with specialty products like a select shop, such as local ice cream, sweets, dairy products, and seasonings that are hard to find. Some customers come from far away to buy rare products that can only be found here.
During his training at a department store, He came into contact with many special products that were not generally distributed and wanted to sell and introduce such products. However, the environment in Tsukechi was different from that in the big city, and he thought that it would be impossible to do the same thing. Nevertheless, after he became the 4th owner of the store, he began to sell such products little by little, and the local people were very pleased.
“I feel like I’ve finally come this far after spending about 10 years moving in that direction little by little.” (Mr. Masatomo Nishino)
Another selling point of the store is the additive-free local miso and local soy sauce(Jidamari) inherited from the traditional way of making. Supermarket Yamanish has been making miso and soy sauce for home use since its establishment and started producing and selling them as products just around the time Masatomo returned to Tsukechi. In the past, miso and soy sauce were handmade by ordinary households, but gradually the number of people making them decreased, and there were requests for the store to sell them. When Supermarket Yamanish started selling them, some people brought in wooden barrels made in the Edo and Meiji periods, saying, “I can’t make miso and soy sauce at home anymore, so could you use these barrels to make them? ” The taste of miso and soy sauce varies from region to region, but Yamanishi’s miso and soy sauce are characterized by the strong aroma of koji.
Another popular product is “Keichan”, a local dish that uses fermented soy sauce(jidamari). Yamanishi uses Ena chicken, a brand of chicken from Nakatsugawa, and flavours it with a jidamari-based sauce. Simply stir-fry with vegetables to complete a delicious dish.
The store’s interior, lined with fresh vegetables and meats, delicious handmade prepared foods, and select products, is a lot of fun to walk around and look around, and it is easy to see why the store has been a long-time favourite in the community. If you are visiting Tsukechi for sightseeing, please stop by and enjoy Yamanishi’s specialty products.